I meant thorns as boys and roses as girls!! Just a simile.
It is quite unfortunate to write about this topic of save girl child but it really necessitates to strongly emphasis about saving Girl Child. Girls are genesis of all life in this earth. They give birth to all boys and girls in this earth and are the progeny of the highest living forms in this earth and without them, there exists no life. Still, those roses are not allowed to blossom and are killed in the fetus on knowing it is a XX chromosome carrying human being. In Villages and ultra-modern cities also, girl child is strangled based on the scan result. What wrong have they done in this earth? Do they not have the right to live like boys?
Even if they survive the termination of their life, equal treatment is not given to them during their living. Girls are treated as secondary citizens when compared to Boys. They are given special treatment only by very few parents. Sons are treated like Kings but girls are not treated as Queens! The root cause of all the indifference meted out to Girls is due to the reason that the cost of the high financial burden during their marriage. So, no one wants a girl child!! Every parent should understand and not demand financial benefits during girl’s marriage, only then most of this indifference will be removed at the root level.
The next reason is the male dominance in the society and few boys feel insecure when girls outperform them. Girls too have achieved feats which boys do. Society has even loved a lot and today, we can see isolated cases of girls succeeding in this world in every field like science & technology, sports, administration etc. A day should come, when these isolated cases of girls becoming a parallel phenomenon with boys.
Girls are biologically weaker which should not be exploited. Girls too can handle what boys can! Girls are stronger mentally which statistically proved by the fact that there are more suicides in Men. It is time that we change and voice for the equal future for Girls.
Iam happy to stand today and voice for girl and the credit should go to my parents in understanding the concept that boys and girls are equal! Let us be assured that girls are not going to take our place but they will definitely support us during the course of Life’s journey!!! Let us allow the roses to blossom in the Garden of Eden.
Iam going to accept a girl who will enter into our family without any financial benefits and when a girl drenches in rain, I will lend my umbrella! Will you join me in this journey?
Note-The images given for representation in this blog are taken from Google Images. Many thanks for Google.
Nicely written.
It’s really one of dark side of our society & us.
Thank you Kuldip. Let us dispel the darkness.
Excellent 👍
Thank you Kannan!
Nice message sir
Thank you Srikanth
At last you have accepted girls as roses and boys as thorn…. Nicely framed
Thank you Meenakshi! It is an universal fact.
Very thoughtful and truthful message
Thank you Rao
In this case definitely I follow Sir
Thank you. Appreciated!